Patentfreigabe wegen Corona-Pandemie

Vor dem Hintergrund der weltweiten Corona-Pandemie ist eine intensive Diskussion über die Herstellung und Verteilung der Impfstoffe im Gange. Dabei wurden zuletzt Forderungen lauter, den Patentschutz für Impfstoffe gegen das Corona-Virus SARS-CoV-2 aufzuheben. Die Befürworter dieser Forderung versprechen sich davon eine raschere Steigerung der weltweiten Impfstoffproduktion. Ungeachtet der Frage, ob...

Priority Claim for European Design Rights based on Patent Application

Can an application for a community design registration claim priority of an international patent application – and if so for how long? That was the question that the Court of Justice of the European Union had to decide in matter T-579/19. Their decision dated 14 April 2021 was very interesting...

Trade and Cooperation Agreement with UK Approved by the European Parliament

The European Parliament finally put its approval to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union on 28 April 2021 and the Agreement came into full effect from Saturday 1 May. The Agreement includes a number of measures on protection of intellectual property which we...

No forum shopping for unfair competition cases and impact on combined trademark and unfair competition cases in Germany

A recent decision by the Higher Regional Court in Düsseldorf (reference: 20 W 11/21) states that there is no “itinerant tribunal” in unfair competition cases that occur on the Internet or in other forms of electronic media. In a decision from 16 February 2021, the Appeal Court in Düsseldorf (OLG...

Database Management Systems – the European Approach

On March 1, 2021, the European Patent Office (EPO) updated its Guidelines and the new update includes a substantial new section on how to patent database management systems. Given the importance of data and database protection for, e.g., artificial intelligence, this update could be significant in the next few years....