Quantum Algorithms – Disclosing the Circuit 

In a recent decision, the US Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) affirmed the rejection of a patent application filed by IBM entitled "Constant Folding for Compilation of Quantum Algorithms." This case offers valuable insights into the complexities of patenting innovations in the rapidly evolving field of quantum computing. The...

European Parliament approves AI Act

On 13 March 2024, the European Parliament approved the EU's Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. The text was agreed in negotiations with EU member states in December 2023 and has now been endorsed by members of the European Parliament. The new law aims to protect fundamental rights, democracy, the rule of law and...

Kilian Müller joins INTA’s ADR Committee

We are proud to announce that our colleague Kilian Müller has become a member of the International Trademark Association’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Committee, serving for a two-year term as of 2024. The ADR Committee develops programming and resources on arbitration, mediation, online dispute resolution, and other methods of dispute...

US Patent Office – Guidance for AI Inventions

The US Patent and Trademark Office has issued a document to provide detailed guidance on inventorship in the context of AI-assisted inventions. The guidance clearly states that inventions created with the assistance of artificial intelligence (AI) are not categorically unpatentable, but the document emphasizes that even if AI plays a...

Fee Reductions at European Patent Office for Small Entities

The European Patent Office has announced a new fee reduction scheme, specifically designed for micro-entities, effective April 1, 2024. This scheme aims to support smaller and less experienced entities in Europe by easing access to the European patent system. It introduces a 30% fee reduction for various patent-related fees for...

EPO – Acceleration of Oppositions

The European Patent Office (EPO) announced on 7 November 2023 a new policy concerning accelerated processing of oppositions where an infringement or revocation action has been instituted before the Unified Patent Court or a national court or competent authority of a contracting state. This is a change to the current...