One of the biggest challenges in writing patents for computer-implemented inventions (CII) or "software patents" is the level of disclosure that is required. A patent examiner can reject the patent application in Europe for lack of enabling disclosure (as we have previously reported here) or for "indefiniteness" in the United...
Nutzung von Marken anderer Firmen ohne Zustimmung
Die Frage nach der Zulässigkeit taucht im geschäftlichen Alltag häufig auf. So auch kürzlich, als einer unserer Mandanten uns um rechtliche Einschätzung ersuchte. Unser Mandant entwickelt und vertreibt Software-Plattformen, die mittels Schnittstellen mit IT-Systemen anderer Unternehmen kommunizieren können. Zur Beschreibung des Verwendungszwecks seiner Software-Plattform wollte unser Mandant die angebundenen IT-Systeme beschreiben. Hierfür sollten die Marken (z.B....
What is a “Continuation” Patent Application?
A "continuation application" in the United States is an additional patent application filed by the same applicant as the original pending "parent" patent application to pursue different claims as in the parent application. The continuation application uses the same specification as the parent application and enjoys the same priority date...
Quantum Trademarks
Can you register "QNED" as a trademark in class 9 for, among other goods, TV sets or displays? Or does the acronym QNED means "quantum nano (light-)emitting diode? This was the question decided by the Appeal Board of the European IP Office recently in case R721/2021-4 (Details linked here). The...
Quantum Entanglement and Patent Protection
Quantum Entanglement and Patent Protection Quantum computing may well represent the next challenge in obtaining patent protection, as indicated by a recent decision from the US Court of Appeal of the Federal Circuit upholding a decision by the US Patent Office to reject four patent applications allegedly based on the...
Unified Patent Court and Unified Patent in Europe – Back on Track?
The latest episode in the efforts to obtain a single European patent and patent court to cover (most of) the countries in the European Union has overcome its latest hurdle with the decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) to reject the request for an interim injunction to stop...
Patentfreigabe wegen Corona-Pandemie
Vor dem Hintergrund der weltweiten Corona-Pandemie ist eine intensive Diskussion über die Herstellung und Verteilung der Impfstoffe im Gange. Dabei wurden zuletzt Forderungen lauter, den Patentschutz für Impfstoffe gegen das Corona-Virus SARS-CoV-2 aufzuheben. Die Befürworter dieser Forderung versprechen sich davon eine raschere Steigerung der weltweiten Impfstoffproduktion. Ungeachtet der Frage, ob...
Patent Searching – Freedom to Operate or Patentability?
Let's suppose that you have developed a new product and you want to carry out a prior art search of existing patents. There's often a misconception about the objectives for a search. There's often confusion between a search based on "freedom to operate" and "patentability". In some cases, the main...
Priority Claim for European Design Rights based on Patent Application
Can an application for a community design registration claim priority of an international patent application – and if so for how long? That was the question that the Court of Justice of the European Union had to decide in matter T-579/19. Their decision dated 14 April 2021 was very interesting...
Non-Fungible Tokens and IP Rights
Fungible tokens (FT) are tokens that enable one part or quantity to be exchanged by another equal part or quantity which means that the tokens can be easily exchanged for another item of value. Every token is the same as every other token and is capable of mutual substitution. For...