Quantum Algorithms – Disclosing the Circuit 

In a recent decision, the US Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) affirmed the rejection of a patent application filed by IBM entitled "Constant Folding for Compilation of Quantum Algorithms." This case offers valuable insights into the complexities of patenting innovations in the rapidly evolving field of quantum computing. The...

US Clampdown on High-Tec Investments

US President Joe Biden's Executive Order clamping down on high-tec investments in China has also major implications for European companies. The order must be complied with by any "United States Person" and this includes not only companies with headquarters in the US or organised under laws of US states, but...

Critical Raw Materials and Quantum Technology

Critical raw materials are materials that are essential for the production of high-tech products, but are in limited supply and have in the past few years faced potential supply chain disruptions. These materials are called "critical" because they are used in many modern technologies, including quantum computing, semiconductor electronics, as...

Quantum Technology – Disclosing the Invention

The UK Intellectual Property Office recently had to decide whether the invention in a patent application claiming the production of quantum bits (or qubits) was sufficiently disclosed. The Hearing Officer confirmed the decision of the Examiner that the description was deficient and the invention was therefore not capable of industrial...

Quantum Trademarks

Can you register "QNED" as a trademark in class 9 for, among other goods, TV sets or displays? Or does the acronym QNED means "quantum nano (light-)emitting diode? This was the question decided by the Appeal Board of the European IP Office recently in case R721/2021-4 (Details linked here). The...

Quantum Entanglement and Patent Protection

Quantum Entanglement and Patent Protection Quantum computing may well represent the next challenge in obtaining patent protection, as indicated by a recent decision from the US Court of Appeal of the Federal Circuit upholding a decision by the US Patent Office to reject four patent applications allegedly based on the...

Quantum Patents Looking at the Intellectual Property Landscape

Since 2014 there has been a massive increase in the number of patent applications filed in the field of quantum technology. This presentation reviews the increase in the filing rate and will look at the geographical areas in which the most patent applications are generated as well as the major...