Mit großer Freude geben die Kanzleien Staudt IP Law aus Ingolstadt und Sonnenberg Harrison aus München ihre bevorstehende Fusion bekannt. Dieser strategische Zusammenschluss vereint die Kompetenzen von Peter Staudt im Bereich des geistigen Eigentums mit der umfassenden Expertise von Sonnenberg Harrison im Technologie-, Marken- und Patentrecht. Herr Peter Staudt, Gründer...
Staying Proceedings at the Unitary Patent Court
Under what conditions can the Unified Patent Court (UPC) stay a decision when opposition proceedings are pending in the European Patent Office (EPO)? That question faced the Central Division (Munich) of the European UPC in Astellas ./. Healios (Case No. UPC_CFI_80/2023). Under Article 33(10) UPCA and Rule 295 sub a...
Was passiert bei dem Tod eines Erfinders?
Für angestellte Erfinder regelt das sogenannte Gesetz über Arbeitnehmererfindungen die Rechte und die Pflichten eines angestellten Erfinders gegenüber seinem Arbeitgeber. Diese Rechte und Pflichten ergeben sich aus dem Wunsch heraus, einen möglichst gerechten Interessensausgleich zwischen dem Arbeitgeber und dem Arbeitenden herzustellen. Der Arbeitende soll dafür belohnt werden, erfinderische Ideen im...
Searching and Classifying Quantum Patents
Quantum technologies are a rapidly developing field of science and engineering that exploits the properties of quantum physics to perform tasks that would be impossible or impractical with classical physics. Quantum technologies include quantum simulation, quantum sensing and metrology, quantum computation, and quantum communication. However, quantum technologies also pose significant...
Kein Markenschutz für „Black Friday“
Der BGH hat mit Beschluss vom 29. Juni 2023 die Nichtzulassungsbeschwerde hinsichtlich des Urteils des Kammergerichts vom 14. Oktober 2022 zurückgewiesen, welches die Löschung der deutschen Wortmarke Nr. 3020130575741 für das Zeichen „Black Friday“ bestätigte. Dies hat der Kläger auf seiner Homepage mitgeteilt. Damit findet ein mehrjähriger Rechtsstreit sein Ende....
The First UPC Preliminary Injunction Order
Swiss e-bike manufacturer, myStromer AG, and its competitor, Revolt Zycling AG, were both exhibiting their bicycles at Eurobike 2023 in Frankfurt, one of Europe’s largest bike trade fairs. MyStromer AG, based in Oberwangen, is a Swiss manufacturer of fast e-bikes with a speed of up to 45 km/h. MyStromer applied...
Inventions based on Data Collection
The European Patent Office is still developing its case law on inventions which involve the collection and use of data. A few years ago, the Enlarged Board of Appeal in case G1/19 reviewed a patent application relating to the simulation of the movements of pedestrians. It concluded that the application...
First UPC Preliminary Injunction
The Düsseldorf location has been one of the most active courts in national German patent litigations and widely used by international patentees. It has now issued the first known ex-parte injunction in the Unified Patent Court (UPC). The patent in dispute relates to EP2546134 which is a “Combination structure of...
Standard Essential Patents at the European UPC
The Chinese company Huawei has apparently become the first company to file a patent infringement suit based on a standard essential patent in the new European Unitary Patent Court (UPC), according to a report in the IAM magazine. So-called "Standard Essential Patents" (abbreviated to SEPs) are patents protecting a technology required...
Euro Parliament agrees text of AI Act
The European Parliament approved on Wednesday, 14th June, a revised version of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA). The text will now pass to the so-called "trilogue", at which will be discussed with the European Commission and the Member States. The AI Act appears to be on a path to adoption in...